Fallout 2 bonus rate of fire
Fallout 2 bonus rate of fire

fallout 2 bonus rate of fire

Lack of balance in combat marginalizes most combat perks. One quirk of Fallout 2 it inherited from its predecessor is the absence of balance in perks, although the lack of an arbitrary level limit has eliminated some of the systemic issues, increasing the number of viable perks. Traps are extremely rare, eliminating the need for Light Step, while the ready availability of. Dialogues have systems that are poorly or even unimplemented. In Fallout 2, perks are selected every 3rd level (or 4th with the Skilled trait).

fallout 2 bonus rate of fire

Some Perks were either cut from the game or leftover as legacy content from Fallout and thus still can be found in the game files.

fallout 2 bonus rate of fire

It's entirely up to you whether you go for melee weapons, regular firearms or energy weapons. 30% to paralyze an enemy for 30 seconds with an unarmed attack in V.A.T.S. Can instantly kill a sleeping non-player character and earns bonus XP, +50% DR and Strength increased to 10 whenever health is 20% or lower, Can eat corpses to restore 25 points of health and lose 1, +25% damage to robots, can shut down robots by sneaking up on them. These are hidden perks that apply whenever the user has a particular weapon equipped, providing additional bonuses.

Fallout 2 bonus rate of fire